Asphalt & Bitumen West Co .

European CE Standard for Bitumen

European CE Standard for Bitumen

It might be appropriate to start with exploring the origin of the word “CE” and learn a bit more about its meaning. In fact, CE stands for the French term “Conformité Européenne”, which means “Conformity European”. In other words, it can be derived from “Community European”, which refers to the European Union. Generally, acquiring CE certificate for a product confirms that the product conforms to certain EU regulations and specifications. It is necessary to mention that the products carrying CE mark, can be sold with no limitations across the European Union and European Free Trade Association (other than Switzerland and Liechtenstein).

Acquiring this mark is a proof of observing minimum predefined requirements in production of goods in order to ensure the consumers’ safety and health, and protect the environment.

CE certificate granted to a product is a document showing specifications, instructions, and properties of the product. The products are controlled constantly after granting the CE certificate, in order to ensure that the products, procedures, and services meet the CE standard requirements.

CE certificate is issued upon the manufacturer’s voluntary request; the first step to acquire the certificate is providing the required documents such as:

-         Detailed specifications of the product

-         Technical drawings of the product

-         Proofs of observing the basic requirements

-         Risk analysis

-         Results of the tests done by the manufacturer (Standard Organization of the country of origin)

-         User’s manual written in either of the EU languages

After submitting the required documents, the products will be tested in accordance with the EU standards by the authorized experts at the production plant, or the certifying body laboratories. Successful test results shall lead to acquiring the “Certificate of Conformity” from the certifying company, confirming that the product conforms to the corresponding standards. In many cases, the buyers require the supplier to provide this certificate to ensure quality of the product.

Certain organizations determine the EU or international standards of products, test the products, and issue the required certificates.

National standards in European countries have their exclusive criteria; for example, British Standard Institute (BSI) is in charge of this task in the UK; or DIN and AFNOR represent the standards in Germany and France, and collaborate with manufacturers and consumers of the industrial products. They represent their countries in International Standardization Organization (ISO) and European Committee for Standardization (EN).

Although national standard of the either of European countries can be regarded as a reference to issue the certificate of conformity, and the current European standards, e.g. British standards, do not contradict the other European standards, CE certificates are required to export bitumen products.

BS EN 1259:2009, BS EN 13808:2013, BS EN 13924:2006, BS EN 14023:2016, and BS EN 15322:2013 are required for exporting cationic bitumen emulsion.

This company, in addition to holding the mandatory national Iranian standards for liquid bitumen, holds CE certificate for these products; for example, MC30 bitumen is produced and supplied in accordance with CE standards.

Additionally, ASTM D 2027 standard has been acquired for all cutback bitumen products, and ASTM D 2397M and ASTM D 2397 are acquired for diverse cationic bitumen emulsions.

You may see our certificates in the following link: certificates

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